Tuesday, October 11, 2011

1) I learnt how to use InDesign and Photoshop as well as how to use Sketchup better. I also learnt how to better observe what is needed by the society and how to work on that.

2) I found it difficult to use InDesign as I just learned it while during the project as while as the hassle to do my Sketchup

3) I managed to overcome these difficulties by watching videos on Youtube as well as taking the time to carefully work out the problem.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Write up for Architecture Project

Project Name: Down to Earth

Intended use: Down to Earth is intended to be an eco-friendly shopping mall which would be an architectural statement in terms of the exterior and interior design as well as efficient in terms of the electricity and water use and customer satisfaction. Light pollution at night is reduced while at the same time allowing natural light to enter the building during the day. The walls and floor of the inside of the buildings are intended to be made mostly of recycled materials. The ceiling would be made of "intelligent" concrete which stores the heat during the day and releases it at night. There is also a system of vents which allows the released hot air to be released out of the building, which reduces the amount of energy needed to cool the inside of the building

Concept behind the design: Hexagons which can easily be found in nature as well as serves as a good and strong building block. Hexagons will line the exterior of both the 2 generally round blocks of the shopping centre. On the roof, the hexagons are glass which allow light to pass through during the day but allow little light to escape the building, reducing light pollution at night. The hexagons on the side of the building also serve as windows in for the shops.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What makes a good Architectural Design

A design that I consider "good" would be one that is aesthetically appealing and also functional. It would have an appealing exterior which would look either futuristic, colourful, or both. Internally, it would look good, have a very wide area, high ceiling and functional ; to it's purpose.

This is the new Australian Supreme Court

This building fulfills the criteria as it's aesthetically appealing both on the outside and on the inside. It's designs are also functional to the building.

From: http://blog.selector.com/nz/2010/08/06/world-class-architecture-from-new-zealand/

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What is Architectural Design?

1. Architectural Design is a concept that focuses on the components or elements of a structure or system that unifies them into a coherent functional whole according to the particular approach in achieving selected objectives under the given constraints and limitations


2. Architectural Design is designing and improvement of the aesthetic and functional properties of structures

(My definition)

3. Architectural Design is the process of which an architect goes through to prepare models of the actual structure in 2D or 3D that would translate into an actual structure in the real world
